“A garden is a friend you can visit anytime”
It is genetic!
My grandmother Louise Harrison, an authentic gardener, passed on a love of nature through my mother, Dede Austin. Having such pure intentional gardeners cultivate me, how could I be anything else but a horticulturist? Growing up in Savannah, surrounded by live oaks, camellias and azaleas I learned to appreciate nature’s bounty and draw inspiration from centuries-old gardens. Equally nurturing was the influence the mountains of Highlands, North Carolina has had on my love and appreciation of native flora.
I continued to deepen my knowledge of the natural world at the University of Georgia by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture. Following college, I pursued my passion. For thirteen years I worked in the consumer garden products division of Chevron/Ortho where I discovered my talent and enthusiasm for being an educator. In the next season of my life, I enjoyed being the best cultivator, MOM. Living in Sarasota, Florida allowed me to expand my knowledge of tropical plants, soil health, as well as to hone my formidable flower-arranging skills.
I have now returned to my hometowns, Savannah and Highlands, and my horticultural roots. I am so energized to use my educational skills to share all that I have learned about gardening, landscape design, healthy soil and botanical floral design over the past several decades. Working beside my clients to create individual gardens that will enhance their homes for generations will be so exciting.
““Is it not possible that a place could have huge affection for those who dwell there? Perhaps your place loves having you there. It misses you when you are away and in its secret way rejoices when you return. Could it be possible that a landscape might have a deep friendship with you? That it could sense your presence and feel the care you extend towards it? Perhaps your favorite place feels proud of you.”
― John O’Donohue, Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace